
Call Center Customer Experience Best Practices: Get your CX through the roof in 2023 with actionable Insights  

The 2023 Customer wears Prada 

The astrological sign of the 2023 customer could as well be lazyness. Overdosed with ads on all channels and information added to a pretty pessimistic social climate. The past two years have pushed brands to develop all possible tricks to get leads to click on the buy or book a demo CTA. Consequently, our customers have become lazy and tired of all this overstimulation.  

Therefore, rationnality, immediacy and need for true consideration from companies are now shaping the 2023 client. Between the pandemic, economic downfall, ecological catastrophy and war announcements in Europe, the new customer has reshaped his vision of product/service consumption and what he expects from companies when it comes to customer experience. 


So how do you manage to maintain and increase your customer satisfaction in these strange times?  
Get up to date with call center customer experience best practices with our actionnable & easy to implement insights: 


I – Who is the 2023 customer? 

    1. Logic above action  
    1. Omnipresence 
    1. Consideration and nurturing 

II – What impact on contact centers and call centers? 

    1. Be down-to-earth, efficient & personal  
    1. Get Solutions that meet the need for immediacy  
    1. Opt for an Omnichannel Contact Center Solution 
    1. On-premise solutions will eventually die 
    1. 2023 CX

Who is the 2023 Consumer? 

Logic above action  

Well this is it, the end of compulsive buying. Consumers are moving towards reasoned purchases given the dire economic times coming ahead. Lots of companies as well as individual consumers will be reshuffling their financial and investment priorities forcing C-executives to enforce more reasoned and justified buying processes. The investment in a new product or service needs to hold high ROI. 


The 2023 customer is connected everywhere all the time. He doesn’t have time to wait for answers from your company, he wants to know it NOW and he needs its interactions to be unified. Meaning wether by chat, email, SMS, voice, social media, you name them, the new customer wants an answer rapidly and wants to switch channels smoothly without having to repeat the whole story to a new agent.  

Love & Nurturing 

According to Qualtric’s 2023 CX Trends report, 63% of customers want brands to listen better and act accordingly to their feedback. When we focus on customer service, most purchasers rant about the lack of empathy demonstrated by after-sales or customer services. Our new customers want to be taken seriously and don’t take “well I’ll forward you to our department of silly walks to manage your request” as an answer. First-contact resolution is the metric to watch like a hawk. Agents need to be empathetic yet efficient in finding an answer.  

What impact on contact centers and Call centers ?

Be down-to-earth, efficient and personal









I understand this looks like a lot, and believe me it is. Yet not impossible. For it to happen, your agents need to have all the info on your customers’ needs to anticipate potential interests.  

Here you can : 

      • Allow your agents to access chat/call history for them to listen or read the previous conversations they had with customers 

      • Have a script linked to your CRM to store information from customer communications to keep data.  

      • Have a solution where you can configure a prefered agent depending on your business needs (for example, customer calls can be redirected to the last agent they talked too, but you can get really funky with this functionnality and imagine specific agents for VIP customers) 

      • Provide information and escalate cases in less than 2 minutes especially if you work in debt collection, insurance or after-sales. Opt for a solution that can automate these tasks by linking your activities together depending on the qualification chosen by the agent following your call and that integrates your CRM for live info update 

    Also, waiting is not an option anymore for our new consumers, the “please hold, you are number 7 in the line” needs to be ditched once and for all. We’re probably going to be repeating that a lot but get yourself a Call Center solution with a kick-*** IVR (you can guess the ***) that does this:  

        • Call back opportunities when overflow is triggered within your campaigns 

        • Adapted to each of your call activities (no use to have an IVR that states debt collection department in its menu if the number called by your client is the one for customer service) 

        • Able to throw in flash messages that you can configure freely when you have high activity peaks. 

        • That forwards to agents depending on their skills and not to any random dude in the call center who has no clue of what they need to say. 

        • That interacts with a solution that takes into account your other campaigns (let’s say you have inbound and outbound activities and that one of your potential prospects called you inbound previously to book a meeting, would be a little awkward to call him afterward in an outbound campaign) 

        • That is both before and after calls to broadcast a satisfaction survey, send over a confirmation or recap sms or email.  

      Get proactive with your customers and don’t offer a simple after-sales service. Get ahead by configuring outbound campaigns to : 

          • Call them following a purchase depending on your industry (one follow-up after 30 days for B2C industries and for B2B industries you can schedule a follow-up campaign over 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months.,1 year). Within Nixxis Contact Suite, you can automatically send contacts in nurturing sequences depending on their qualification.  

          • If you run an E-commerce, call your abandoned carts and double your conversions! 

        Those are a few ideas but the possibilities to offer great Customer Service are endless! Get in touch with us for more insights 😊  

        Get a Call Center Solution that meets immediacy   


        This is where automation becomes your best friend. With them, you can now be on all channels at the same time! Thanks to its easy setup, quickly provides answers out of your FAQ to your customer. Self-help is highly valued by the 2023 purchaser. Keep this for simple requests and transfer more complex ones to your agents. 

        Opt for an Omnichannel Contact Center Solution 


        Well, this one is pretty much obvious, but we’ll state it again. If you want to create forever better customer experience and efficiency your need to incorporate all communications channels on a single interface for several reasons:  

            • First to make it easy for your agents to roll around conversations  

            • Second to provide your customers with the best-in-class customer experience. Let’s say you had an issue with your latest purchase, you’ll contact the brand on Facebook, on their website chat, by email, and lastly by phone in the hope to get an answer as quickly as possible. Well, the same logic needs to apply to your Call Center and get your first-contact resolution rate through the roof!

          On-premise solution will eventually die 


          Great CX starts with great employee experience. Over the past 3 years, the cloud has imposed itself with amazing capabilities such as cost-reduction, scalability, and many more you can read in our article on Cloud VS On-premise comparison that it mainly allowed employees to have a better work-life balance by creating remote work options. This subtle change actually fast-forwarded the need for companies to have better employee experience policies. And we all know that happy employees make happy customers. 

          2023 CX, The “Total Experience” boom 


          To keep going on employee experience, 2023 is the age of “Total Experience”. Above providing great customer service you need to create a 360-degree experience by including the actual heroes of great CX: Your agents and partners. “Total Experience” is all the rage and aims to improve the work processes as well as experiences of all the actors of a company.  

          At Nixxis, we put the experience of your agents and your customers at the heart of our solution. In addition to providing you with a stable, reliable, and scalable software we have conceptualized our solution to get the best out of your agents and database and turn your call center into a happy productivity machine.  

          Get in touch with us to see how we can send your CX in the stars!