
Calling strategies: 6 tips to make it pick up

Market tools allow contact centers to implement their call strategy with varying degrees of efficiency. But which is the best? Is it the responsibility of the tool or the human if a call campaign is poorly executed?

Legislation increasingly imposes restrictions on call attempts and it is not always easy to comply without “burning” your contact records.

Businesses are required to present a geographic telephone number that answers if the person calls the number back. However, it is a good practice to limit the number of call attempts to avoid the “irritating” or “nuisance” aspect. In fact, your prospect can now, by law, identify your calling telephone number.

According to the typology of contacts (individuals or professionals, age, CSP, marital status, etc.), the sector of activity (insurance, energy, recovery, collection of donations, etc.), the geographical area (Ile de France, Province, etc.) and the characteristics of the contacts to call, their reachability preferences will be different (time, channel) and the same will apply to your results!

Will your call launches be different? Your objective should be to increase the reachability of people when they are most available in order to avoid transforming them into “permanently unreachable” by calling them at an inopportune time.

➡️ Here are 6 effective tips that you can easily implement thanks to the dynamic parameters of the tool you use (at least Nixxis does it):

1. Smooth your call attempts

Smooth the number of call attempts over a longer period (e.g.: 3 calls the first week at different times then 3 calls 2 weeks later rather than 5 calls in the same week always at the same times)

2. Optimize your numbering

Optimize your call dialing according to the geographical area of your contacts (e.g. outside working hours for individuals after 7 p.m. in the Paris region or between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. or from 5 p.m. in rural areas, during working hours for professionals, after 7 p.m. for individuals in the Paris region versus 6 p.m. in the Province, students after classes from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. or Wednesday afternoon)

3. Voice mail submissions

Make grouped deposits of voice messages or on the fly when an answering machine is detected so that the contact is aware of your approach, calls you back or directs you to your website for example

4. Continue the conversation

Start a conversation by phone, continue it by chat and have a commitment form signed on the contact’s smartphone during the call (to win 1 step)

5. Distribute intelligently

Distribute calls intelligently based on agent profiles. Depending on (skills, languages, etc.) Depending on skills, languages, etc.,

6. Reassign calls

Reassign telephone appointments to another designated employee if the initial agent is unavailable

In short, there are plenty of possibilities for maximum efficiency.

Today, contact centers around the world use Nixxis every day to manage 1.2 million outbound telesales calls, 5,000 inbound support tickets, 7,000 taxi rides, hundreds of thousands euros of donations collected or amounts recovered, …

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